I haven't updated this in a long time, my bad! The past few months have seemed to fly by! I cannot believe it is Feburary already! Fred was very busy at work during Thanksgiving and Christmas time since he was working as the supurvisor of the Bakery department at Costco. Majority of nights he was working more than four hours longer than he was scheduled, just trying to get eveything caught up and running smooth. Even though he seemed to learn a lot in the bakery, I have yet to see these new baking skills in the kitchen at home! Since the holidays are over Fred has been moved to be the Front End Supervisor, he is one of those guys running around like crazy near the registers with the ugly red vest on. He seems a lot less stressed then when he was working in the bakery and he is more likely to reach his goals at a quicker pace being in the front end. He is hoping to move into an assistant manager position by this summer. I am crossing my fingers!
We spent our thanksgiving at home watching movies and instead of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner we opted for a steak dinner that night. Freds mom Kathy came into town early December for a week. It was good to finally have a familiar face here other than each other. We had a good time with her. We decided to save our traditional Thanksgiving dinner for when she was here and I was happy to cook dinner for her and Fred. She gave us some awesome early Christmas gifts, that we appreciated very much! She was even brave enough to let me foil in some highlights and trim her hair for her. It was lots of fun.
Christmas was fun for us. I spoiled Fred with EVERYTHING he asked for. I told him there was so many gifts for him since I wasn't able to get him anything for his birthday in October. It was fun to see how excited and happy he was when he was opening the presents. He looked like a little kid on Christmas morning. We got a gift card from my Mom and Dad, Paulette and Karl, that allowed us to get some new stuff for our living room and make it seem a little less like an apartment and more like a home. We were really excited and grateful for that. Also Freds Aunt Carol sent us a gift card. We used it to buy a water filter system. We really cannot stand the taste or smell of Illinois water so it was great to be able to buy a filtration system that allows us to enjoy our water and stop wasting money on gallons of water from the store.
We spent New Years at our friend Eric's house. He invited three other people and we had a good time eating and playing board games.
We hope that all of you, our friends and family, enjoyed your holiday season and that it was spent with loved ones, laughter and fun! We hope that you all have had a great start to the New year and hope and pray that everyone of you is blessed with health and happiness in 2011! We love you all! ENJOY the pictures of our past few months!
We spent our thanksgiving at home watching movies and instead of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner we opted for a steak dinner that night. Freds mom Kathy came into town early December for a week. It was good to finally have a familiar face here other than each other. We had a good time with her. We decided to save our traditional Thanksgiving dinner for when she was here and I was happy to cook dinner for her and Fred. She gave us some awesome early Christmas gifts, that we appreciated very much! She was even brave enough to let me foil in some highlights and trim her hair for her. It was lots of fun.
Christmas was fun for us. I spoiled Fred with EVERYTHING he asked for. I told him there was so many gifts for him since I wasn't able to get him anything for his birthday in October. It was fun to see how excited and happy he was when he was opening the presents. He looked like a little kid on Christmas morning. We got a gift card from my Mom and Dad, Paulette and Karl, that allowed us to get some new stuff for our living room and make it seem a little less like an apartment and more like a home. We were really excited and grateful for that. Also Freds Aunt Carol sent us a gift card. We used it to buy a water filter system. We really cannot stand the taste or smell of Illinois water so it was great to be able to buy a filtration system that allows us to enjoy our water and stop wasting money on gallons of water from the store.
We spent New Years at our friend Eric's house. He invited three other people and we had a good time eating and playing board games.
We hope that all of you, our friends and family, enjoyed your holiday season and that it was spent with loved ones, laughter and fun! We hope that you all have had a great start to the New year and hope and pray that everyone of you is blessed with health and happiness in 2011! We love you all! ENJOY the pictures of our past few months!
Freds 31st Birthday 10/12
He didn't get any gifts since we had a shortage of cash flow, but I tried to make it a little special. After he went to bed the night before his birthday I stayed up cutting out all different sized hearts, coloring them and writting nice things about him and then put them all over the inside of our front door so that when he got up early the next morning he would see it before he left to work. When he got home I made him one of his favorite dinners. Also when I asked him if he wanted a cake he declined and asked for apple crisp instead. Which is what he is holding in the picture to the left. We also didn't have birhtday candles so I put tea light candles on there instead, a group of 3 and then one for 31, his age (old man).
He didn't get any gifts since we had a shortage of cash flow, but I tried to make it a little special. After he went to bed the night before his birthday I stayed up cutting out all different sized hearts, coloring them and writting nice things about him and then put them all over the inside of our front door so that when he got up early the next morning he would see it before he left to work. When he got home I made him one of his favorite dinners. Also when I asked him if he wanted a cake he declined and asked for apple crisp instead. Which is what he is holding in the picture to the left. We also didn't have birhtday candles so I put tea light candles on there instead, a group of 3 and then one for 31, his age (old man).
One thing I have been doing more since we moved here is playing pranks on Fred. It keeps me entertained and keeps him on his toes.
One prank I played on him was I took his i-pod wrapped and sealed it tightly in a combination of saran wrap, zip lock baggy and scotch tape. Then I stuck it in a bowl of water and froze it over night in the freezer.
When he went looking for it the next day to use it at the gym this is what he found (see pictures below)
One prank I played on him was I took his i-pod wrapped and sealed it tightly in a combination of saran wrap, zip lock baggy and scotch tape. Then I stuck it in a bowl of water and froze it over night in the freezer.
When he went looking for it the next day to use it at the gym this is what he found (see pictures below)
As he was breaking it free from the ice I told him if it broke it was karma for him taking over on my i-pod and letting it go thru the washing machine. Mine now only works if it is plugged in, luckily for him his i-pod still worked.

It's a little blurry, but this was our porch decorated for Halloween. It was really cool at night with our black light on and our fog machine would cover the entire porch with smoke. Not one of our neighbors decorated for Halloween and we didn't get any Trick or Treaters, atleast while we were still home we didn't. I cooked my families traditional Halloween dinner. It's a yummy caserole cooked inside of a pumpkin. I hated it as a kid. Now Fred and I both look forward to it evey year.
We went to our Friend Erics house to play games later on in the evening on Halloween. Fred and I both tried to have some sort of costume, since it was halloween you would think others would dress in costume as well. Apparently not this group of people, we were the only ones. And they didn't understand that we were attempting to dress up for Halloween because when we walked in they thought Fred was just over dressed and thought I had a huge cold sore on my lip. Fred once again was Obama for Halloween, this time I encouraged him to put baby powder in his hair since Obama is getting more gray. I went as Farrah Abraham. NOBODY got what I was because apparently no one besides me watches MTV or TMZ and they don't look at celebrity gossip magazines either. Farrah Abraham is a girl on a reality tv show called Teen Mom. Her and her mothers pictures were splattered around the media after her mom hit her in the lip and was arrested for it. I know, corny of me to go as Farrah, but since my hair was dark then all I needed to pull off the costume was darker eye makeup and a busted lip. It was easy.
Christmas Presents

Freds favorite gift this year is his telescope.
My main gift came after Christmas. Not exactly what I wanted for a christmas gift, but I did want it for the house and since my parents gave us an ikea gift card we were able to get our living room a little more put together. We're just missing some new couches, a few more tables, some lighting and some decorations. Someday we will be able to complete it, but for now we are enjoying a newly made over living room. We painted the walls a dark gray. Hung Black suede curtains and then I covered our hideous bi-fold doors in matching suede and changed the knobs on the doors as well, just to update the look in the apartment. Here is the picture of my gift, which was a shelving unit, that hangs above the tv and then the unit under the tv that holds our cable box and everythnig. The table and the rug are what we got with our gift card from my parents.